Certified Personal Trainer , Strength & Conditioning Coach and Wellness Coach with a specialized background in Exercise Physiology. I am dedicated to improving performance and overall health & wellness through personalized training plans and comprehensive nutritional guidance. With more than 10 years of experience in Personal Training, I am able to empower individuals to achieve their fitness goals, optimize their health, and create authentic and lasting behavior change.
Online Training

Konstenlose Beratung
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Erstellung eines Trainingsplans
Erstellung eines unverbindlichen Beispiel- Trainingsplans von diesem Personal Trainer, um einen Enblick zu erhalten, wie das Training aussehen könnte.
Erstellung einer Abnehmprognose für die Zeitdauer Ihrer gewünschten Abnahme (in Kilo oder Zentimeter) basierend auf Ihren Angaben zur Trainingshäufigkeit.

At 18, I began weightlifting professionally, improving my strength and conditioning skills. My passion for sports led me to earn a master’s degree in Exercise Science with honors from the University of Naples Parthenope. I also obtained certifications like:Certified Personal Trainer (CPT-ASFA), EXOS - Fitness Specialist Certification, SCC - CES (Corrective Exercise Specialist), Myofascial Massage Therapist (ACS), ISCI-SSC (Certified Coach in the Periodization of Strength), CCC (Certified Coach in Conditioning), NSPA - CSAC (Coach Certificate in Speed and Agility), YSCA - (Youth Specialist Coach Award), and studied sports nutrition at the Barça Innovation Hub.
I strongly believe in the power of sports and fitness to change lives. My goal is to motivate and support my clients with personalized programs based on scientific research and innovative methods, such as strength periodization and functional movement screening. I use corrective exercise techniques and performance strategies to help clients achieve long-term results. I have supported athletes and fitness enthusiasts in reaching important goals, from injury recovery to performance optimization. My next objective is to continue improving the fitness industry and making a greater impact.

Meine Philosophie
Fitness als persönliche Reise
I am inspired by human potential, sports science, and the chance to help people improve their body, mind, and performance.
Preise für mein Training
Meine Spezialangebote

Individualisierte Dienstleistung

5er PACK
10er PACK
20er PACK
40er PACK
Statt 550.- CHF
Statt 1'100.- CHF
Statt 800.- CHF
Statt 1'600.- CHF
Statt 550.- CHF
Statt 1'100.- CHF
Statt 800.- CHF
Statt 1'600.- CHF
750 CHF
1'450 CHF
750 CHF
1'450 CHF
750 CHF
1'450 CHF
750 CHF
1'450 CHF
Fitness als Ganzkörpererfahrung: Es geht nicht nur um körperliche Stärke, sondern um das Zusammenspiel von Körper und Geist. Regelmäßiges Training fördert Ausdauer, mentale Stärke und Selbstbewusstsein. Die Harmonie zwischen Körper und Geist steht im Vordergrund.
Alberto Zurlo
Exercise Science - Health Fitness Specialist
Schweiz, Online